Desktop Magnifier
Users' Comments
After many desktop lens/magnifiers I finally got one that has all I need. Thanks!
John A. Maurice, United States of America

I do programming in VB and C++ for years, but can't understand how could I possibly align visual components on user interfaces without Desktop Magnifier. I simply can't do without it any more. Very useful, almost addictive.
Jan Wihlgaard, Sweden

My poor old eyes thank you a lot! Again I can use my computer as easily as I used to 15 years ago.
Harry Robbins, United States of America

Another magnifier for Windows? Well, I am glad I tried this one.
Louise McQuillan, Australia

Your Magnifier is what it is supposed to be. Nothing too special but definitely worth ten bucks I spent for it. What I find really extraordinary is your quick, friendly and efficient technical support. Keep on the good work!
Amon Leshem, Israel

I love your attention to details. Everything in Desktop Magnifier is so well planned and worked out, like your company logo that disappears on certain window sizes to maximize the magnified image and "Rastered Grid Lines" that consist of black and white dots. If you were some 15.000 miles closer I'd try to steal your whole development team.
Jason Shamp, United States of America

Very fast performance, even with smoothing turned on. Also very stable, at least the version I run almost all the time.
Fred Heaslip, Canada